
Trapezoidal Teeth Timing Belt

Cookies’ Trapezoidal Teeth Timing Belts – a crucial component for your precise power transmission needs. Designed with a unique tooth profile, our belts ensure reliable, robust power transfer with zero slip. Available in a variety of specifications, from Miniature Extra Light (MXL) to Double Extra Heavy (XXH), and metric pitch like T2.5, our belts cater to a wide array of applications – be it small, precision instruments or heavy-duty machinery. Experience maximum efficiency and longer lifespan with Cookies’ Trapezoidal Teeth Timing Belts – your partner for precision and power.

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  • MXL: Miniature Extra Light. This type of belt has a very small tooth pitch (0.080 inches or approximately 2.032mm), making it suitable for small, precision mechanisms.

  • XL: Extra Light. XL belts have a slightly larger tooth pitch (0.200 inches or approximately 5.08mm) than MXL belts. They’re used in applications requiring a balance between precision and power transmission.

  • L: Light. L belts have a tooth pitch of 0.375 inches or approximately 9.525mm. They’re used in a variety of medium-duty applications.

  • H: Heavy. H belts have a tooth pitch of 0.500 inches or approximately 12.7mm. They’re designed for heavy-duty applications where more power transmission is required.

  • XH: Extra Heavy. XH belts have a tooth pitch of 0.875 inches or approximately 22.225mm. They’re used in applications requiring high power transmission.

  • XXH: Double Extra Heavy. XXH belts have the largest tooth pitch of 1.25 inches or approximately 31.75mm. They’re designed for the most demanding heavy-duty applications.

  • T2.5: This represents a metric pitch of 2.5mm. The ‘T’ stands for trapezoidal, indicating the shape of the teeth. This type of belt is often used in small, precision devices or instruments.


Discover the superior features of Cookies’ Trapezoidal Teeth Timing Belts that set them apart in the world of power transmission – designed for precision, built for performance.


  1. Elastomeric Compound: This is the primary material of the belt, usually a form of rubber or other elastomer. It provides the flexibility and resilience the belt needs to function effectively.
  2. Tensile Cord: Situated within the belt, this is the load-bearing element that provides the belt with its strength and flexibility. It’s typically made of fiberglass, steel, or other high-strength materials.
  3. Back Cover: This is the outermost layer of the belt, usually made of nylon fabric, which protects the belt from external damage and wear.

Main Applications by Industry








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