
Cookies offers its customers innovative solutions for specific packaging industry needs, providing a wide array of belt constructions and manufacturing processes, built on years of industrial experience. Cookies’ products are used in packaging equipment from the initial to the final phase.

Our portfolio includes synchronous and non-synchronous belts, special cover materials, cleated belts, machined modifications, and other fabrication types, delivering the necessary solutions for various applications, such as:

  • Carton forming/box erecting/ box closing
  • Filling
  • Blow molding machines
  • Capping lines
  • Cartoning lines
  • Check weighing
  • Feed lines
  • Filling lines
  • Form, fill, and seal
  • Wrapping and sealing
  • Labeling

What Are Packaging Conveyors?

Packaging conveyors are designed to handle goods that need to be packaged. They weigh, sort, fill, and place items in cartons at high speeds, with belt synchronization being a critical feature to ensure optimal productivity. With ongoing technological advancements, packaging conveyors are evolving to make the transition of products from one location to another more seamless and efficient.

أحزمة التوقيت

One notable development in packaging process handling is the replacement of roller chains with timing belts. Timing belts, compared to roller chains, require significantly less maintenance and are lubricant-free, which is crucial when packaging food and beverage products. They are also more lightweight and energy-efficient, further lowering operation costs. Moreover, timing belts can be customized with covers to tackle frictional handling challenges and cleats to facilitate separation and sorting.

Benefits of Packaging Conveyor Systems

Packaging conveyor systems are designed to streamline and enhance packaging processes, offering benefits such as:

Enhanced Packaging Efficiency:

Precision synchronous handling boosts productivity and ensures your packaging operations run smoothly and efficiently. With the latest technological advancements, packaging lines offer complete automation options for moving products through the packaging process, reducing handling errors and product damages while enhancing operational speed and efficiency.

Reduced Risk of Injury:

Automated packaging line systems lessen the need for employees to carry heavy or bulky packages, thereby decreasing the risk of repetitive stress injuries or occasional accidents. They also help keep packaging materials organized and out of walkways, further minimizing the risk of falls and other accidents.

Accumulation of Packaging Products:

Synchronous belts with a low friction cover surface provide an efficient method to accumulate products without damaging the packaging. These systems can group related packages and products together in preparation for packing, shipping, and handling, which is particularly important for applications requiring the packing of large quantities of products instead of a single item.


Customers trust Cookies’ comprehensive range of belting solutions for the packaging industry, which includes a wide selection of standard and customized products.

أحزمة التوقيت

  • Rubber Belts
  • PU Belts

أحزمة V

  • Rubber Belts
  • PU Belts

Multi-rib Belts

  • Rubber Belts
  • PU Belts

Success Stories

Food Filling Machine

A manufacturer of food container filling machines reached out to Cookies for design assistance with a new unit. The requirements included high positional accuracy, the flexibility to handle a wide variety of packaging containers, and the strength and durability to ensure the required drive life and reliability.

Vertical Form Fill Seal Machine

Vertical form fill sealing machines (VFFS) are automated assembly-line systems used in the food and other industries for packaging products. Learn how we can optimize your machines to operate continuously and cleanly, resist glazing, maintain friction, and prevent unwanted shifting as materials progress through the system.

Main Applications

العملاء يثق بسكويت

باعتبارنا شركة رائدة في إنتاج معدات اللياقة البدنية في إسبانيا، فقد بحثنا دائمًا عن مكونات عالية الجودة لدمجها في خط منتجاتنا. عندما بدأنا باستخدام أحزمة كوكيز، لاحظنا على الفور الفرق في الجودة والمتانة والأداء. يضمن البناء الفائق لهذه الأحزمة التشغيل السلس وطول العمر، وهو أمر حيوي لأعمالنا. أوصي بشدة بمنتجات Cookies لأي شركة تبحث عن أحزمة موثوقة وعالية الأداء.

تفتخر شركتنا، ActiveLife Equipment، بتقديم معدات رياضية عالية الجودة لمراكز اللياقة البدنية في جميع أنحاء أستراليا. مع أحزمة كوكيز، يمكننا أن نضمن لعملائنا بكل ثقة أن منتجاتنا على أعلى مستوى. تتميز أحزمة ملفات تعريف الارتباط بأنها موثوقة ومتينة وتقلل الضوضاء بشكل كبير - وهي ميزة يقدرها عملاؤنا. تجدر الإشارة أيضًا إلى خدمة العملاء الاحترافية والفعالة من ملفات تعريف الارتباط. إنهم حقا شريك في نجاحنا.

في اليابان، تحظى الدقة والكفاءة بتقدير كبير، وهذا بالضبط ما توفره أحزمة كوكيز. نحن في RisingSun Fitness Solutions نستخدم أحزمة ملفات تعريف الارتباط في معداتنا على مدار العام الماضي، وكانت ردود الفعل من عملائنا إيجابية للغاية. إن التشغيل السلس للأحزمة ووظيفتها الصامتة، حتى في ظل الاستخدام الكثيف، هو ما يميزها حقًا. أصبحت ملفات تعريف الارتباط شريكًا أساسيًا في سعينا لتقديم أفضل معدات اللياقة البدنية في السوق.